Hurricane Maria 6 – 1 Nov 17

We’ve all heard the excuses ad nauseam from government managers that:
• Maria was an extraordinary storm;
• The infrastructure was in horrible condition;
• Communications were knocked out;
• There was no money available; and
• Disaster relief was slow in reaching us.

Okay, but these same managers were responsible for preparedness and operations. Those ARE their job descriptions! They have failed miserably. They have behaved arrogantly, hoarded information, had their own power agendas and priorities, hidden their decisions in darkness, deflected meaningful offers of assistance, blamed others for their own errors and omissions, and failed on every objective measure of competence imaginable.

Under extreme circumstances and conditions, satisfying results may be difficult to come by, but we can applaud valiant efforts to accomplish worthy goals. On the other hand, macho, pigheaded refusal to act in the best interests of the community in a crisis is cause for immediate dismissal.

Business as usual is unacceptable. Incompetent management needs to be replaced – both the jerks and the well-meaning. And in some other universe, we could dismiss all of the unqualified bureaucrats who have truly ruined the Commonwealth and the Municipio. Unfortunately, regardless of the evidence of out-and-out horrible performance, it is extremely unlikely that significant changes will be implemented. The problems are systemic and require a radical, comprehensive reformation.

Some of the employees are working extremely hard to get things fixed and working right, but like the crew and passengers of the Titanic, when the captain screws up, everyone ends up in the water.

Hurricane Maria 5 – Quickie

Amidst the recovery, I am pleased to report two very uplifting observations:
1. With a steady dose of rain, the island is turning quite green again.
2. With a lack of electricity and the reduced use of generators in homes, video gaming is at an all-time low, and the neighborhoods are filled with kids riding bikes, razors, skateboards, and other mechanical devices. Young people are outside playing and having fun! I’ve never seen anything like this in the last 13 years here.

Hurricane Maria 4 – 25 Oct 17

The 2nd Wave

After the initial shock of the disaster of Maria wore off, it was replaced by a pressing urgency to change the scene and make things normal again. While continuing to survive, secure, repair, and help our community to get back on its feet, our expectations of working hard and grabbing the bull by the horns were met with the frustrations of reality:
• The communication links were down, so cash and credit were initially not available from the bank, the credit union, employers or any other source. Food, medicine, building materials, gas, etc. are still pretty much only sold to those with hard currency (or government cards).
• As manual systems at the bank kicked in, long lines formed for small, limited withdrawals for several hours per day and were typical until week four, when things normalized a bit.
• Gasoline and diesel deliveries started off slowly. Fuel for cars, construction equipment, and generators soon became “Vieques Gold”, and lines ran for as much as 9 hours. Sometimes rationed, others not. Sometimes it came, and sometimes it did not. There continues to be an absence of reliable information, and there are still no consistent operations or limitations. With the addition of generators (many running 12 or more hours per day), emergency vehicles, and heavy equipment our fuel demand has increased dramatically. In order to prevent such lines, the island needs to receive deliveries every other day, but despite being told otherwise, it doesn’t happen. Since the horrendous gas lines on the main island have totally disappeared, it is clear that the problem is local: the distributor, dealers, and/or the ferry.
• Water bottles and emergency rations are distributed at several locations, and long pedestrian lines form in the rain or the hot sun.
• Stressed businesses have closed resulting in many becoming unemployed and short on resources. Hopefully just temporarily, but which ones can survive 6 months without electricity and reliable water service?
• Those who are fortunate enough to remain employed or have small children cannot wait in long lines all day for essentials.
• Without internet, phone, and mail services, statements do not arrive, bills do not get paid, and some accounts get frozen or terminated. Parts and needed supplies cannot be ordered.
• US Mail has been deplorable – not the local office, the system in general. Regular mail has been a fraction of its former self and Priority Mail a faded memory. Getting critical items and supplies has been a bust for most people. Generators and pumps sit rusting, and businesses remain closed awaiting parts.
• Grocery store shelves remained surprisingly well stocked initially. The sad cause was the inability of many to muster cash or use Familia cards. Now that these obstacles have been removed, checkout lines have become onerous, and the popular items have flown off of the shelves.
• With a single ice plant, those needing to keep beer, insulin, and other medications chilled have spent many an hour in line or in search of solid water. The plant has broken down or otherwise not been able to supply ice for days at a time: No Hay Hielo!
• While the stores have the capability to handle refrigerated items, most of the residents can’t, so the stock of meats and dairy is kept low, but somewhat available. Produce, on the other hand, is not to be found.
• Clearing and cleanup work has been hindered due to a lack of working generators and a shortage of various tools. Anything that requires gas or diesel is delayed and constrained. Contacting workers requires knowing where they live and work. It also requires gas and luck at finding them.
• Coordination of activities is extremely difficult for everyone from the resident to the NGO or relief worker to the government due to the lack of reliable communications on the ground. One still (over a month later) cannot contact a field worker or contractor outside of a very small coverage area.
• We will soon face problems related to neighboring houses that have been destroyed and are beginning to rot and mold. Many owners have no funds to do anything and have left the island. Numerous wood structures will probably not entitle their owners to receive significant FEMA funds since the warning went out after Hugo: No more wood – concrete only. Who is going to clear these disaster sites as they become more toxic?
• Our collective efficiency on solving these problems has plummeted, and everything is costing more.

One thing we do know for certain: we will preserver! The work will get done, and we will be better and stronger for it. In the meantime, it’s dark nights, warm beer, hard work, the constant smell of sweat, and the love and support of our friends and neighbors. After all is said and done, that’s pretty damn good. Wish you were here.

Fixing the Mess – 21 Oct 17

So, what are we to do to solve this physical, fiscal, and political mess in which we in Vieques find ourselves? Begin by honestly answering a few questions:

1. Are you happy with our schools? Are they teaching our children what they need to flourish in this world? Are they preparing our children well for the options of going to college or learning a fruitful trade? Is Vieques getting their fair share of the educational funds from the Department of Education? How much worse will it get as funding is cut?

2. Are you happy with our healthcare services? Do we have affordable access to the doctors, hospitals, medicines, and procedures we need? Is San Juan taking good care of our medical needs? Is the closed clinic going to survive and retain adequate funding?

3. Are you happy with our police and judicial system? Is the level of violent crime reasonable or even just okay? Is the corruption acceptable? Are the police willing and able to protect our lives and property?

4. Are you happy with AAA and PREPA supplying our water and electricity? Are they fair and accurate in their billing? Does it bother you that they continually fight making improvements that would lower our costs? Is the amount of corruption and graft in these government monopolies of disorganized crime disturbing? Are cutbacks going to bring even more service interruptions?

5. Are you happy with the ATM ferry system? Does the lack of capacity interfere with your access to services and shopping on the main island? Do the broken promises of improvements to the service and the steadfast refusal to implement the short route bother you? Are the levels of corruption, graft, and self-serving policies in this government monopoly disturbing? How much worse will the service get as the funding gets diverted to friends and family? Is it reasonable that the 22 indicted employees who claimed exorbitant and fraudulent overtime are still on the job?

6. Are you happy that we have absolutely NO control over these critical elements of our lives? Do you really feel like you live in a democracy when all of the decisions (laws, rules, regulations, and policies) are made by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington and San Juan with no real input from OUR citizens?

7. Are you happy that all of the years we have spent trying to get important improvements to our lives in Vieques have proven to be a waste of time? Do you think that we will have any success in the next 20 years begging for better treatment from our masters in the States and in Puerto Rico – especially now with the huge, overwhelming, physical and fiscal disasters?

8. Do you fear the further reduction in services and support coming soon? Do you fear the sale of our island assets by the government and the Fiscal Control Board? If you don’t, you should.

Would you be happy if we could develop an economic engine that would generate sufficient tax revenue to improve every one of the areas discussed above without sacrificing the beauty of our island and the tranquility to which we are accustomed; and do it without overdevelopment? Would you be happy if there were high paying jobs available that our own well trained residents could be employed at?

Out of the crisis and chaos we find clarity! There is an opportunity to make this happen, but it needs the support and input of the whole community.

In order to develop a suitable and sufficient economy, we must become independent from both the US and PR. We must be free to make our own laws, tax structures, school system, healthcare, transportation network, etc. In order to create an acceptable level of development without damaging our island, we need to annex Roosevelt Roads, and create a very desirable location for our global businesses.

This is neither an obvious nor simple task. But here is the point: as a sovereign nation, Vieques can effectively develop Roosevelt Roads in ways impossible for Puerto Rico. There are many reasons why Vieques (with RR) seceding would be extremely beneficial for PR:

1. Under the control of any Puerto Rican entity, savvy developers are loath to entrust their fortunes to the unstable political and economic system of the revolving, incompetent, delusional, and corrupt administrations of the Commonwealth. Likewise, municipalities are frozen out of the mix because they are subordinate to the Central Government.
2. PR has no money of its own, no way to acquire more, and no rational plan for the former naval base or the economic development of Vieques.
3. Without the controls and constraints of the EPA, OSHA, IRS, DEA, TSA, HSA, FDA, FAA, FCC, FBI, CIA, HUD, ADA, SEC, DOT, and the hundreds of other regulating organizations, Vieques would have an enormous competitive advantage. While these agencies offer many excellent rules, regulations, and guidelines, we can select the very few appropriate parts and include them in our laws and operations. It is up to us to make our government function as a partner with quality businesses, as opposed to as an adversary. We will make ourselves a Caribbean Powerhouse.
4. In addition to the residents of an independent Vieques, those of the Ceiba, Naguabo, and Fajardo areas would have many employment and career opportunities as well. Most of the business development activities envisioned for our Vieques economic growth would actually take place on the former base. The majority of the employees would live in the surrounding municipalities – shopping and paying taxes in PR. [Note: we will work closely with the surrounding municipalities to address their needs and establish partnerships.]
5. With the support of selected developers, a decolonized Vieques could buy the land and restore the infrastructure needed for commerce. Puerto Rico would still gain the economic benefit of the development through employment (PR resident income tax, property tax, IVU… many other taxes) increases in the area. Additional industry and commerce would develop on the PR side of the new border, as well.
6. PR would receive the critical windfall of indirect access to our port allowing them to export/import via international shippers, thus obviating the restrictions of the Jones Act. Savings from by-passing the existing oppressive colonial arrangement could save PR anywhere from $100,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 per year.
7. The airport could likewise focus on international air cargo.

Some (most, actually) might say this is crazy: “How can we possibly fund such an endeavor?” The answer is “10:50:250”.

10: A ten year transition into an independent, decolonized nation.

50: Annual $50,000,000 transfer payment to Vieques for 10 years; The US gives a net of $20 billion to Puerto Rico every year, which averages out to about $5,700 per person. With 9,200 Vieques residents, that’s the equivalent of $50M. The US would give the funds to Vieques directly.

250: The cleanup of the east end bombing range is slated to require 10 more years, cost another $250M, and leave 15% of the island uninhabitable. The US Navy has approved this funding already for the Vieques superfund. The monies would be channeled to economic development instead.

$50M per year would allow Vieques sufficient funds to operate the island while improving education, utilities, social services, and other infrastructure. Redirecting the $250M would give us credibility and the necessary kick start funding for economic development at Roosevelt Roads and in Vieques. All of this benefit with NO additional US funding required!

The US is looking to show the world we foster democracy and freedom, not colonization. We offer the lives of our young people to build free nations all over the globe. Doesn’t it make sense to help accomplish the same thing at home, where no solder need make the ultimate sacrifice?

Puerto Rico is looking for ways to cut costs, increase funding from any source possible, and save huge amounts from eliminating the colonial taxes of the Jones Act. Decolonization is not a silver bullet for PR, but it is a very significant incremental improvement, a step in the right direction.

While Vieques has suffered greatly over the years from neglect and oppression, Ceiba and Naguabo have been economically devastated by the closing of RR. No PR entity will be able to develop this property in any meaningful way for decades. An independent Vieques can provide a lifeline to the local area impossible in any other way. Additional funding for decolonization can be obtained from US and international business partners, grants, and philanthropic organizations. This is a win for the US, PR, Ceiba, Naguabo, Fajardo, and the people of Vieques. The alternative is to sit around, feel sorry for ourselves, and hope things get better while the Commonwealth burns. Out of crisis comes opportunity. If not now, when?

A great deal of research, discussion, and planning has been performed by a diverse group of residents concerned about the future of our island and our people. Over the last couple of years details of the many aspects have been analyzed and documented, but further resident participation in the dialogue is essential. We are on the 14th draft of this work in progress, and people are offering new ideas constantly. Nothing is set in stone, and critical feedback is very important to the process at this juncture. We especially need volunteers to make the discussion bilingual.

The choice is yours – do you want to help shape the Vieques of tomorrow? Contact us:

Hurricane Maria 3 – 20 Oct 17

The crisis in Puerto Rico is far from over, and there will be more discoveries and disclosures as time passes, however, we know some things already. Arguably, the two most important functions of our government – security and communications – were almost nonexistent, and the PR owned and operated businesses of power and transportation collapsed. The results reflect dereliction of duty:

Communications. It is understandable that commercial cell phone, land line, and internet services were interrupted, but this is not acceptable. It is absolutely appalling and negligent that there were no working emergency communications between the Central Government and Vieques for 5 days. Command and control were nonexistent.

Security. The government failed in its most basic mission – its justification for existence – by not protecting the essential assets required for the safe operation of the Commonwealth. Even with a practice in June, with a “dry run” two weeks earlier during Irma, and with witness to the riotous events on other islands, somehow there was insufficient appropriate action and resource to guard and transport the critical supplies of fuel, water, food, and medical services required. Law and order was not maintained.

Electricity. It was fully expected the electrical grid could not withstand a significant hurricane, and excuses were being made weeks in advance. Government cannot duck responsibility by saying: “We can’t help it now if everything fails because it has been screwed up for a long time!” This is in no way acceptable. Residents have been paying the ridiculously high fee of approximately $.14/KWH for distribution and maintenance of this system, but all we have to show for it is a rundown, antiquated mess. Where did the money go? The system is financially bankrupt, but the real problem is that the organization is morally and ethically corrupt. Self-serving personnel at many levels have been fleecing the public for years. The time is right for a major change.

Water. The water and sewage services provided by the government business (AAA) are both antiquated and inappropriate for an island community. Our systems are complicated, fragile, and deliver water that has not passed EPA standards. This is not acceptable. Interruption of our sole source of water due to flooding at the pump station, theft of diesel at the generator, and then breakdown of the local generator highlights the lack of care and professionalism demanded by such an important function. Our waste treatment system is inadequate in both reach and quality for a coastal community. Is shutting off water to areas where the sewage processing is inoperative the best solution the management dynasty can come up with?

Emergency Response. The following elements of response appeared to be absent from the government for a week or more:
• Command and Control
• Coordination
• Security
• Reception (supplies, equipment, personnel….)
• Distribution
• Storage
This is not even close to acceptable. The Central Government has been reluctant, slow, and even refused to accept outside assistance for critical supplies and services. PR unions were holding the relief efforts hostage by preventing outside nonunion drivers from driving the trucks sitting in the ports. The inmates have been granted control of the institution.

The one bright light, and a saving grace, was the immediate and aggressive response of the USCG. They were here by the end of the storm asking what we needed and then delivering it. They were very effective responders, and some of their excellent people are still here helping in any way they can.

After a week or two, other responders from the US Air Force, Army, and Marines were visible and contributing to reestablish communications, security, and logistical support. FEMA assessments began, and the Red Cross had joined the command center.

The Ferry (ATM). On a normal day the ferry system is horrible, inadequate, and inappropriate in ways too numerous to mention. The system is “controlled” in Fajardo and has operated after Maria without accurate communication with Vieques. Schedules are posted but not followed. Schedules are designed for the benefit of the Fajardo staff or “crime family”. The people making important decisions can’t be trusted to pick matching socks.

The issues that come to light are not that the federal government has failed to provide resources or has functioned improperly; it’s that the macho PR Central Government has let the people of Puerto Rico down. The emergency response plan was either totally inadequate and/or negligently implemented. The money that residents paid for maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure was squandered and stolen. The people of Puerto Rico have been sailing on a sinking ship for years, and the lifeboats turned out to be full of holes.

For us in Vieques, we can be proud of the way the community has pulled together. We realize that our priority in the scheme of things will put our 9,200 population behind the 3,400,000 residents on the main island. We further understand that the scale of the catastrophe on the main island makes management incredibly challenging. What we didn’t comprehend ahead of time is that we would be totally ignored for five days and, worse yet, had no functioning official local leadership. Since we were not allocated adequate resources to design and implement a meaningful, workable disaster plan, we were led to believe that the paternal Central Government would be responsible – as they claimed to be.

We are forced to be dependent upon an undependable master who mandates our submission on almost everything. We are subservient to the omnipotent elites in San Juan who refuse to implement any of the significant changes we request, and at the same time, refuse to allow us do it on our own.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

It’s over. We’ve been had for the last time. The self-serving political elite have demonstrated beyond any doubt that they will never put the needs of Vieques high enough on the priority list to get anything done, and they won’t allocate the needed resources to let us do it ourselves. We are trapped in the cellar with the water rising, and they won’t give us the keys to let ourselves out. We need to act aggressively.

So, what to do? Stay tuned tomorrow. There is a solution.

Hurricane Maria 2 – 17 Oct 17

Life after a battle or a disaster is different. Often there is the anxiety of the unknown beforehand, followed by the automatic reactions during the event, and the closure when the fog lifts and the dust settles, but that last phase, closure, can be more extensive than one anticipates. The morning after is only the beginning. The ones who suffered the worst continue to fight for damage control and survival. Those who were lucky enough to sustain little or no significant destruction soon feel a combination of guilt (for having been lucky) and compassion directed to help the others.

As the realization of the extent of the damage in Vieques sunk in and the metaphorical home fires were extinguished, those more fortunate ones began congregating at locations like the plaza in Isabel Segunda to volunteer to help wherever it may have been needed. Public Works and OHME were busy performing various functions, but there was an absence of municipal leadership to coordinate activities and keep the residents advised during the first week. Volunteers like Mark Martin and Jay Gonzales stepped up and filled the gap, but it was difficult for them since they had absolutely no authority. Nonetheless, their positive involvement cannot be overstressed.

One of the most difficult components of the problem was lack of communications. The municipality was given a satellite phone for the purposes of remaining in touch with the Central Government, but nobody answered at the other end according to the mayor. Fortunately, the Coast Guard (can’t say enough good things about these people – join the Navy League) responded immediately. Recognizing the situation, Kelly Thompson, Robert Becker, and others concluded that the island needed a bunch of sat phones and Becker brought down almost a dozen donated somehow through Vieques Love. I can’t express how overwhelming the impact of that mission affected everyone. It was worth its weight in gold! That one minute of touching family was incredibly important to all.

More tomorrow.

Hurricane Maria 1 – 15 Oct 17

A fair amount has transpired since I had service over a month ago; emails and texts have disappeared into the ether, and going back through the tons of stuff on Facebook is so overwhelming it’s not going to happen – I lost a month. One thing I know is that there is so much love and caring out there that I felt it through the 200 mph (+ or -) winds and really appreciate your vibes. Those who have experienced a rocket attack or shelling barrage know the intensity of sound and the uncertainty of survival that accompanies uncontrollable magnitude of forces unleased upon us at times. To those who have not had such experiences, I hope that you never have to.

Emerging from the devastation of the Cat 5 Hurricane Maria on the morning of Wednesday, September 20th, the universal cry from the Vieques community was “Vivimos!” Homes were destroyed, property was lost, the landscape was reformed, but we all lived through it. The magnitude of the personal crisis and collective chaos was slow to sink in as many walked around almost oblivious to the calamity at hand. Dazed and confused. Where to begin?

The destruction of the landscape was almost uniform. Trees were topped at 20 feet or totally uprooted. Old wooden power poles were snapped like toothpicks while steel poles were bent and leaning over. Even some of the 65’ foot concrete super-poles were cut off at grade level trimmed by a giant lawnmower. Wires were everywhere. Telephone cables – precarious on a normal day – were coursing everywhere, but now a huge variety of wires and steel cables had joined the spaghetti bowels served throughout the debris strewn island roads.

The tremendous force of winds from the eye and gusts in the 200mph range were partially eclipsed by the supernatural, twisting, knockout punches from random tornadoes spawned from within Maria’s cloak. Concrete houses had their doors and windows blown in (and out) with many components tossed hither and yon. Some wooden structures were vacuumed up and probably deposited back in Kansas somewhere.

That’s it for now. I will post much more over the next week or two. I have many pictures of different barrios and familiar haunts, but I’m aware that many such pictures have already been posted, so I’m considering posting options for them.

Thanks to all for your love and support. You would be proud of the way the people of the community have been responding and helping one another as well as the pouring out of support from those who love the island. This did not break us: we’re coming back much stronger!